Meet our Coaches

Coach John
Our program is instructed by Coach John. John has been coaching kids from the ages of 18 months to 8 years old, for 8 years now. He is also an educational assistant at the Niagara Catholic District School Board where he has worked with special need students for the last 10 years.
John has coached soccer and basketball teams with different age groups and different levels from recreational to travel sports teams. The main goal that he abides by is to work together and always have fun no matter what activity the kids are participating in.
Coach John wants to build a community through this program that grows together, learning the skills of all sports while creating an encouraging, positive environment. He is known for his patience, understanding, and knowing what’s best for each child participating.
Coach C.J.
Hi everyone! My name is Cassandra, but most of you know me by my nickname C.J. Before I joined the Kiddies Sports Academy family, I completed my undergraduate degree in Political Science at Brock University where I also played 4 years on the varsity women’s soccer team. My love for soccer continues to flourish as I coach the young athletes involved in Kiddies Sports Academy and I aspire to share my experience and love for the game with the next generation of athletes. Moving forward, my future aspirations is to become an elementary school teacher and continue my learning experience beyond sports and into the classroom.

Coach Brianna
Hi! I’m Brianna, I’m 16 years old, and currently a grade eleven student. I have played soccer on a regional level, and more recently I have been training with an international academy team. I have been playing competitively for over a decade, and I’m very happy to be surrounded by the next generation of great players.
Coach Victoria
Hi everyone, my name is Victoria! Physical health has always been a big interest of mine and I have loved promoting physical health maintenance through my time here at Kiddie Sports Academy. I grew up playing competitive hockey and soccer and have come to appreciate the various life skills it has instilled in myself, such as cooperation, confidence, and leadership abilities. The same skills that Kiddie Sports Academy advocates for and strives to instill in all who participate. I have been fortunate enough to work with a great group of coaches and I look forward to coaching and continuing to promote physical activity in the up-and-coming youth.

Coach Robert
Hey everyone! My name is Robert, and I am 19 years old. I bring a large passion to coaching and sports, I am currently at Niagara College in the Sport Management program. I have played high level sports my entire life and am thrilled to be helping the next generation of players with this amazing community.
Coach Jay
Hey Everyone! I’m 25 years old, born and raised here in Niagara. Growing up, my life revolved around sports and being active. I played competitive hockey for 13 years, travelled on a youth golf tour for a few years and have been playing competitive baseball for 19 years. I currently play in a AA men’s league as a starting pitcher, for the Niagara Falls Expos. My passion for working with and supporting kids started 9 years ago when I became an uncle, ever since then my passion has grown and flourished.
After highschool I went to Mohawk trade school to study hvac. I’ve been an hvac install technician for about 6 years now and I’m currently in school to be a firefighter.
I’ve been a coach with Kiddie Sports Academy since 2021. I plan on continuing my coaching journey in future days and cannot wait to see what’s to come!

Coach Victor
Hello I’m Coach Victor, I joined Kiddie sports in 2023 and I’ve been having a blast ever since! A little about me; I have been involved in sports since I was 5 years old and have never stopped loving them. The two main sports I focused on were basketball and soccer. Being a member of Kiddie Sports Academy has brought me great joy, being able to see and help with; athletic growth, sports knowledge growth and growth overall as an individual, within each child at their own pace in each session. The reason this brings joy is because equipping children with sport knowledge, skills and lessons in my opinion will tremendously help with their sports journey and their journey of life in general, as it has done in mine. I have been able to learn many lessons through sports that have helped or aided in my experience in general life as well!